Distance Learning


"Distance Learning" occurs when a student chooses to enroll in a course but participates in a location that is physically separate from the professor. The most commonly used Distance Education format is Online Courses, which are conducted through the internet and allow student/professor interaction. Communication options include email, live chat rooms, message boards, and other tools determined by the instructor. View the Student Orientation to Desire2Learn brochure.

Are you ready for distance learning?

Before you enroll in distance education courses, it is critical that you take a few minutes to think about whether or not you are ready NOW to take online classes. AMSC offers you this FREE assessment tool to check your online readiness. Take this Smarter Measure Assessment and analyze the results with your Academic Advisor to see what you need to do to succeed in online courses and programs.

Distance Learning at Atlanta Metropolitan State College

distance learning student

Atlanta Metropolitan State College, a unit of the University System of Georgia, offers fully accredited online courses and programs. Online courses are taught by the same professors who teach face-to-face to ensure that online courses have the same quality and rigor and meet the same student learning outcomes as on-campus courses.Each academic department ensures that information such as the course syllabus, assignments, grades and projects are readily available for students at designated locations using Brightspace (D2L). Instructors require students to take proctored exams, which are exams taken on campus or at a testing location approved by the instructor. Students are expected to check with the instructor and schedule their proctored exam at least 15 business days prior to the exam date .

AMSC currently offers two online programs: Program Pathways: Associate of Arts, Core Curriculum and Business Administration (ASCC Pathway). For more information on degree and course maps, technical requirements, academic, student and technical support services and competency recommendations for students wishing to participate in the distance education program, check out our Online Programs link and the Academic Programs link on our website.