Atlanta Metropolitan State College

QEP (Quality Enhancement Plan)


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QEP Overview

The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is a strategy for addressing the greatest student learning need at Atlanta Metropolitan State College. The faculty, staff, and students of AMSC determined spring 2011 mastercalendarthat students have the greatest learning difficulty with mathemtics, especially in Math 0099 courses. The QEP therefore focuses on improving student learning and performance in Math 0099 courses and improving student performance on the COMPASS Test. In doing so, the QEP will also improve student learning and success rates in qepnewsletterCollege Algebra and other courses that require math such as science.

Spring 2015
Spring 2016

QEP News & Information

  • Leadership Team
  • Training
  • How the QEP Works



(Click on Dots)

2013 2014
Goal #1 - Improve student course pass (success) rates in Learning Support Math 0099




*Goal #2 - Increase Compass pass rates of Math 0099 students    graydot  
Goal #3 - Increase Math 0099 student's performance in their first College Math Course    bluedot  
* Starting fall 2015, the Compass Exit Test will be eliminated. At that time, QEP will measure Pre/Post Test in lieu of Exit Compass scores.