Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How do I receive services from the Office of Disability Services?
A: First you must be officially accepted as a student of Atlanta State Metropolitan College. You must provide documentation from your physician stating your diagnosis. In addition, the documentation must provide physician's contact information and a date of the evaluation. Any documentation processed more than 4 years ago will not be accepted.

Q: Does AMSC provide testing on campus?
A: No, but AMSC is partnered with Regents Center of Learning Disorder. RCLD provides psychological testing for our students with ADHD, Learning Disabilities and Acquired Brain Injury. However, RCLD charges $500.00 for these services.

Q: If I don't choose to disclose my disability when I am admitted, may I do that later and receive Accommodations?
A: Yes - You may disclose at any time and receive accommodations. However, you cannot receive accommodations until documentation requirements are satisfied. I strongly urge students to satisfy documentation requirements prior to the first day of classes. Then, if problems arise and accommodations are needed, they can be put in place immediately.

Q: Must I receive accommodations every semester?
A: No but If you choose to receive accommodations you must provide to me a schedule of your classes for every semester. If you do not provide to me your schedule then you will not receive accommodations for the semester.

Q: What type of accommodations will I receive?
A: Requests for accommodations are processed on a case-by-case basis. The accommodations that you receive will be determined by your abilities, functional limitations, and level of impairment. Please put your request in 3-4 weeks in advance. For special events, please put your request in 4-6 weeks in advance.
