Strategic Goal One - Student Success
Increase Student Retention, Progression, and Graduation


Student learning and success are at the core of AMSC's mission. AMSC must, therefore, prioritize student retention, progression, and graduation (RPG). The College must embrace the accountability paradigm shift requirements at the local, state and national levels. Enrollment is no longer the primary measure of student success; rather completion is the new norm by which institutions of higher education are held accountability. Initiatives such as Complete College Georgia (CCG) and the Momentum Approach are the type strategies that AMSC must plan and implement to ensure successful student RPG. Collectively, these efforts form a long-term commitment designed to ensure student success. In doing so, AMSC will be accountable to both students and the general public for the most effective and efficient use of public funds and time investment to achieve a college education.


Key Performance Indicators/Metrics

I. Utilizing the Momentum Approach, provide targeted support for first year freshman students, particularly those in gateway courses (1) Earned/Attempted Hours (By Semester); (2) DFW or Pass Rates (Freshman Gateway Math and English Classes; (3) Number/Percent Completing Program Courses in First Year (Career Focus)
II. Execute Complete College Georgia (CCG) strategies that target RPG of specific cohorts (i.e. Dual Enrollment, Part-time Students, Adult Learners) (1) Semester-to Semester and 1-Year Retention Rates (Full/Part-time Students; Associate/Bachelor's Degree-Seekers; and By Program); (2) Graduation Rates (FTFT Associates & Bachelor Degrees; (3) Earned/Attempted Hours (Institutional and By Specific Cohorts) (4) CCG Metrics
III. Activate intrusive advising and Pre-registration strategies (1) Number/Percent Students Advising Sessions per Semester; (2) Number/Percent Pre-Registered Continuing/Returning Student by Registration Status (i.e., Y, N, C); Number/Percent Fallthrough Courses, By Program; Student Progression at 30, 60, 90 earned credit hours by Year{Part/Full Time Students)

Major Initiatives/Projects