Strategic Goal Three Cutting Edge Academic Programming Align Educational Programs with Market Demand/Student Choice and Maximize Efficiencies/Effectiveness of Educational Programs and Academic Support


To remain viable, relevant, and productive, Atlanta Metropolitan State College must provide programs and services that are responsive to student choice and the economic demands of industry and businesses. While students choose colleges for various reasons, their primary purpose for attending college is to attain an education and degree. To stay in touch with student needs, contribute in a meaningful way to the workforce and economy, AMSC must offer the appropriate educational programs and academic programming to compete for an ever-increasing, savvy student customer, who today has more educational choices than ever before.


Key Performance Indicators/Metrics

I. Develop high market-demand certificates and effective education programs with high student choice and enrollment (1) Market Analysis Comparison; (2) Student Opinion Surveys (Including Dual Enrolment, Adult Learners); (3) Program Quality, Viability, (4) Productivity (Average Degrees Conferred Over Time), (5) Program Enrollment/Year; (6) Graduates' and Student Surveys; and (7) External Consultant Evaluations
II. Establish advisory boards and related external connections with industry, businesses, and organizations to ensure that the college's educational programs and related activities are aligned with community/state/national needs of the metro-Atlanta region (1) Number/Percent Programs with Advisory Boards; (2) Employer Surveys Ratings and Interviews/Feedback of AMSC Preparation and Graduates' Readiness, (3) Advisory Board Member Ratings of AMSC Programs
III. Increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and alignment of academic programs'/pathways' course selection accuracy and student adherence to program maps (1) Course Offering Frequency; (2) Average Class Size;(3) Fall-Through Courses by Division and Academic Program; (4) Credit hours at Graduation; (5) SWOT Analysis; (6) Program Review Metrics (i.e., Quality, Productivity)
IV. Enhance Faculty Professional Development and Teaching/Learning Opportunities (1) Faculty Scholarly Activities (e.g. Publications, Meeting/Conference Presentations); (2) New Course Innovations, Pedagogies, and Activities
V. Implement innovative teaching/learning methods, including out-of-class learning activities (1) Course Evaluations; (2) Graduates' Surveys

Major Projects/Initiatives

  • Environmental Scans
  • SWOT Analyses
  • Program Reviews
  • Industry/Business Employer Feedback
  • Compliance with Reaffirmation of Accreditation Standards