Trailblazer Student Success Checklist
Before the Semester Starts - Accepted Now What?
The Advising Appointment
- Make an appointment with your Advisor for advisement and registration. Click here to make an appointment
- Develop a written list of questions or topics to cover with your advisor (Ask questions about your academic progress, prerequisites, and major requirements).
- Be on time for your appointment.
- Advisor Recommendations:
- Discuss courses for the upcoming semester
- Only take classes that are required for your degree program
- Follow through on any referrals suggested by your Advisor
- Consider carefully the balance between your personal responsibilities and your academic course load
- Complete 20 to 30 credits in the first year
- Finish general core education coursework within first two years
- Earn summer credits to get closer to graduation
- Enroll full-time and continuously, without stop-outs
- Register on time for courses
- Maintain an adequate Grade Point Average (GPA)
- Review your progress toward graduation. Apply for graduation if you are two semesters from graduating. Graduation Information Link
- Register for classes via the Student Portal or with your Advisor. Let your advisor know if you are unable to register for any of the courses or alternates suggested. Student Portal Link
- Make sure you can log into Brightspace/D2L. (Class(es) will appear in Brightspace/D2L on the first day class(es) begin. Brightspace/D2L Link
- Make sure you complete the required introduction quiz if you register for an eCore/eMajor class
- Settle your Student Account balance after registration. Student Accounts Link
- Acquire all required course materials for your classes before classes start. (i.e., books, online codes, materials, etc.) AMSC Bookstore Link
The Semester - Before and During
- Print your schedule through the student portal before the semester begins to verify start date, time, location, instructor's name, and class instructional style (online vs. hybrid vs. on-campus). (Note: It is always prudent to revisit your schedule the night before class starts for any last-minute changes).
- Make sure you can log into Brightspace/D2L. Class(es) will appear on the first day class(es) begins. Brightspace/D2L Link
- Print your syllabus and become familiar with all assignments and due dates.
- Visit campus bookstore to purchase required materials (i.e., books, codes, etc.) AMSC Bookstore Link
- Confirm class attendance by completing all attendance-verification assignments (i.e., syllabus quiz, introductions, etc.) Note: Simply logging into Brightspace/D2L or the class does not confirm attendance.
- Take advantage of Academic Success Workshops and Student Support Services.
- Check your emails daily (Brightspace/D2L and student emails). Check your email
- Stay up to date of key dates (drop/add and withdrawal) on the official academic calendar. Check Academic Calendar
- Schedule an appointment with your Advisor to pre-register for the next semester. Click here to make an appointment
- Help your professor and/or advisor help you. If you're having trouble with a specific course or courses, discuss this with your professor and/or advisor and be open to suggestions for using Student Support Services.
- Check your mid-term grades in the student portal under Student Records. Official grades are located in student portal not Brightspace/D2L. Student Portal Link
- Ask your professor for assistance if needed, early and often.
- Consider joining a student organization. Student Life Link
After the Semester has Ended
- Check your final grades and grade point average (GPA) in the student portal. Official grades are located in student portal under Student Records not Brightspace/D2L. Student Portal Link
- Make sure you are registered for the next semester. Share any previous semester concerns with your Advisor. Click here to make an appointment
- Settle your Student Account balance after registration. Check with financial aid if this is your form of payment. Student Accounts Link
- Self-care is important (Celebrate. Breathe. Reflect. Adjust. Continue. Don't give up). Self Care Link
Student Success Milestones
Course Load - Student enrollment is classified using the following scale.
Full Time: 12 or more hours |
1/2 Time: 06 - 08 hours |
3/4 Time: 09 - 11 hours |
Less than half time: 01 - 05 hours |
First-Year: 00 - 29 credit hours - Freshman |
Certificate - 18 to 21 credits |
Second-Year: 30 - 59 credit hours - Sophomore |
Associates Degree - 60 credits |
Third-Year: 60 - 89 credit hours - Junior |
Bachelor's Degree - 120 credits |
Fourth-Year: 90+ credit hours - Senior |
Course Program of Study (CPos) FAQs
Click here to view the CPoS FAQs
Contact Information
The Center for Academic Advising & Student Success
Main Number: 404-756-5690
Student Services & Success Center
Building 650, 2nd Floor, Suite 269