Strategic Pillar 5 - Foundation (Enrollment Base)


The Foundation (Enrollment Base) of the AMSC 2025 - 2030 Strategic Plan identifies goals, action steps, and metrics that determine the appropriate balance and expected enrollment targets for the respective Strategic Plan pillars. Each Strategic Plan pillar contributes to the overall campus enrollment, either through student retention and/or recruitment. It is therefore essential that the enrollment outcomes of the pillars support the short- and long-term enrollment projections of the institution, thus ensuring alignment between the Atlanta Metropolitans State College's (AMSC's) Strategic and Campus Enrollment Plans.

The coordination of these various planning and assessment activities ensures maximum efficiency and effectiveness of campus programs and services, ultimately positioning the institution to deliver on its primary mission of student success.


To set enrollment targets and monitor progress of each of the strategic plan's pillars towards the institution's overarching strategic enrollment goal.


Goal #1:

Utilize metrics and baselines to establish enrollment targets for the strategic plan pillars that will achieve an enrollment of 3000 by 2028.

Action Steps:

  • Determine rolling two-year averages of enrollment data for each student type. Typically, traditional student types will be utilized; however, other student types may be utilized, such as international students and/or age groups (i.e., adult learners (25 years and older), traditional (less than 25)).
  • Utilizing enrollment averages, calculate enrollment percentages from the total semester enrollment for each student type.
  • Map enrollment percentages (i.e. baselines) to the appropriate strategic plan pillar. Note: Baselines may be adjusted to align with resource allocation.
  • Utilize baseline percentage values to determine semester-to-semester and annual headcount targets for the strategic plan pillars, to achieve a 3000 enrollment by 2028.


%Enrollment by Student Type and %Enrollment by Age Group (i.e. Traditional vs Adult Learners)



Goal #2:

Establish state and national benchmarks for comparison to AMSC enrollment targets and outcomes.

Action Steps:

  • Obtain student type enrollment data from USG State Colleges and compare those percentage data to AMSC student type percent enrollment data to determine percent difference.
  • Utilizing national peer enrollment data from IPEDS, compare the percent enrollment data to that of the AMSC pillars.


%Enrollment by Student Type and %Enrollment by Age Group (i.e., Traditional vs Adult Learners)



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