Annual Planning

Description of the Annual Planning Process

The annual planning cycle, Figure below, is initiated by the President of the College, who will approve the prioritization of the institutional strategic goals that will be implemented in the annual planning process. As necessary, the President may designate specific planning assignments.



In the Annual Planning Phase, units develop their plans during the month of September. Information from the previous annual planning cycle is used to assist and inform units how to proceed in constructing plans for the upcoming year. Units submit annual plans by the first Friday in October. The unit annual plan consists of objectives, expected outcomes/targets, and an implementation strategy (an action plan describing who will do what, how, when, and at what cost). After review and approval by the respective vice president, the unit annual plans are processed by the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment (IRPA). The Office of IRPA will review the unit plans and present particular unit budget requests to the College President for approval and the Vice President for Fiscal Affairs to provide unit feedback.


In the Implementation Phase, units implement their plans during the period of Nov.- May. Unit requests for a change in scope and/or nature in their originally approved annual plans are submitted to the respective unit head utilizing the Audit Form.


In the Assessment Phase, during the months of June and July, each unit evaluate/assess its progress toward achieving its annual goals and objectives, report the results to the respective Vice President, as well as begin using the results to improve its services and processes. The Office of IRPA will then review the submitted forms, provide technical feedback to the units, and post the forms for campus review.