Atlanta Metropolitan State College

About AMSC


Don't Cancel That Class

Don't Cancel That Class Project is: a Customer Service Team Project by Academic Affairs and Student Affairs There’s no need to cancel your class. We know there are many reasons (illness, out of town trip, presenting at a conference) that a faculty member may need to cancel a class. We are suggesting that you use this opportunity to bring in a guest speaker from our team of professionals. We will cover your class by presenting on a number of topics that are relevant to today’s college students. We have a series of topics to present. Afterward, we will provide you with a copy of the attendance record and all handouts.

Click the following QR Code reader or link to obtain the "Don't Cancel That Class" request form:



"The purpose of education is to create leaders and to keep them as customers"

         Deborah Webb, USG Director of Process Improvement and Customer Service