
Joseph Patterson, M.S.


Associate Professor of Mathematics and Physics
B.S., Morehouse College (Chemisry)
M.S.., Atlanta University (Mathematics)

Department of Mathematics
Metropolitan State College
1630 Metropolitan Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30310
Phone: 404-756-4025
Office - 141 Science Lecture Building

Research Interest:

Sunspot numbers as a consequence of solar motion barycenter of the solar system.


Joseph Patterson graduated from Morehouse College in 1959 with a major in chemistry and a minor in mathematics.  He earned the MS in mathematics from Atlanta University in 1963 under the supervision of Lonnie Cross.  Research topic: On  series solution methods for selected differential equations.  He studied planetary mechanics under Charles Councilman at MIT, 1974-75. He studied Computer Science at Atlanta University, 1985-86. Joseph Patterson joined the faculty at AMSC in 1975.